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“Big Screen Is Watching Me?”: A study on the attractiveness and reading efficiency of a directive display

Users often find interactive public display which delivers information effectively to be more engaging and attractive. This is a study on how directive display, a type of physically moving display, can draw the attention of a single passerby at a close distance. Our work included three studies of rotating screen development and evaluations of its performance comparing to the static screen in different aspects. The results imply that the rotating screen with real-time movement adaptation is able to attract the passerby's attention and improve their reading efficiency. Our work investigated the directive display with quantitative analysis and provided a reference for the design of public displays in future.

Passersby watching the rotative screen
Passersby watching the rotative screen

We investigated the impact of directive displays on users in three experiments. The first experiment was to quantify the influence of different types of screens on the user's reading efficiency. The second was to analyze the changes in visual focus areas of a passerby on the directive and static screens. The third experiment was to observe the effect of the rotating screen on the passerby's behavior. The three experiments are independent of each other but have a progressive relationship. The first level of assumption is that the directive screen can enhance the user's attention; the second level is that the user's visual focus area is more concentrated by using directive screens; and the highest level is that the rotating screen helps to improve the reading efficiency of the passersby. Additionally, the results of these experiments point out that the rotating screen has a positive impact on the passersby regarding both form and content of the display.

In this project, I developed software support for prototyping the directive display and also coded the data collection and analysis program. More details of the study can be found at:

Some user interactions with the rotative screen
Some user interactions with the rotative screen